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New Legislation Addresses Increased Flood Risk in New Jersey

By: Julia Snyder, JD Candidate, with assistance of Stephen McNally, Esquire and Paige M. Bellino, Esquire Flood risks in New Jersey are on the rise due to the impacts of climate change. The New Jersey Legislature has responded with new legislation resulting in additional considerations for those engaged in the renting and selling of real […]

Employment Law Alert: Pay Transparency Bill Advances Through New Jersey Assembly Committee

By: Cailin Bernazzoli, Law Clerk and JD Candidate Change may soon be on the horizon for New Jersey Employers.  On May 12, 2022, Assemblymembers Moriarty, Danielsen and Sumter introduced Assembly Bill 3937, which proposes important changes for pay transparency and the way in which employers announce external job postings (“AB3937”).  On December 11, 2023, AB3937 was […]

Appellate Division Tackles LAD Claims in Two Separate Decisions

By: Cailin Bernazoli, JD Candidate, with assistance of Stephen McNally, Esquire and Paige M. Bellino, Esquire Recently, two unpublished Appellate Division decisions, Beneduci v. Graham Curtin, P.A and Guzman v. M. Teixeira Int’l Inc., addressed the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (LAD) that may impact both New Jersey employers and employees.  The Beneduci Decision addressed […]